Joe Lennon

Dynamic custom domain routing in Laravel revisited

A different approach to implementing custom domains and subdomains

Back in November 2015, I wrote a Medium post about using Laravel's subdomain routing feature with custom domain names, something that is important for many multi-tenant applications. There was always one thing about this solution that bugged me however, and recently I decided to...

Tags: php, laravel, custom domain, routing, multi-tenant

Posting large videos to Twitter in PHP with CodeBird

To post large (>15 MB, >30 second) videos using the Twitter API, you need to use their chunked media upload API rather than the basic media upload API. This is a little more complicated, but thankfully it's still pretty straightforward. In this post I'll be using the Codebi...

Tags: php, twitter, video

Resolving "Could not parse the simulator list output" when running React Native apps on iOS Simulator

I ran into a problem this morning when I tried to launch a React Native app I've been working on in the iOS Simulator using the command: $ react-native run-ios The build would fail completely and return the error message Could not parse the simulator list output. That's not good!...

Tags: react native, xcode, iOS simulator

Using DigitalOcean Spaces object storage in Laravel

Today DigitalOcean announced a great new product called Spaces that is essentially a much cheaper version of Amazon's S3 object storage product. For $5 per month, you get 250GB of storage and 1TB of bandwidth included. This would cost over $95 per month with S3. Additional storag...

Tags: php, laravel, digital-ocean spaces

Generating custom branded stylesheets in Laravel with scssphp

Want to provide your customers with a quick and simple way of styling your Laravel application to match their corporate brand? This post is for you. If you've ever customised Bootstrap with Sass (or LESS) before, you already know how simple it is to drastically change the visual...

Tags: php, sass, styles, branding, theming, theme